Sophonias (Zephaniah), Prophet. Dec. 3.
Sophronius of Bulgaria, Righteous. May 28.
Sophronius of Cioara in Romania, Confessor. Oct. 21.
Sophronius of the Kiev Caves. May 11, Mar. 11, Aug. 28.
Sophronius of Mount Mela, Righteous. Aug. 18.
Sophronius of Saint Anna’s Skete on Athos. Aug. 18.
Sophronius, Archbishop of Jerusalem. Mar. 11.
Sophronius, Bishop of Achtalia in Iberia. Sept. 8.
Sophronius, Bishop of Cyprus. Dec. 8.
Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk. Mar. 30.
Sophronius, Martyr. Mar. 1.
Sosipater, Apostle, of the 70. Apr. 29, Nov. 10, Jan. 4.
Sositheus of Persia, Martyr. Dec. 9.
Sosius of Benevento, Deacon, Martyr. Apr. 21.
Sosthenes of Chalcedon, Martyr. Sept. 16.
Sosthenes, Apostle, of the 70. Dec. 8, Jan. 4.
Soterichus of Asia Minor, Martyr. Oct. 24.
Soteris of Rome, Virgin Martyr. Feb. 10.
Sozomen of Cyprus, Righteous. Nov. 20.
Sozon of Lycaonia, Martyr. Sept. 7.
Sozon of Nicomedia, Martyr. Aug. 7.
Speratus of Scillium, Martyr at Carthage. July 17.
Speusippus. See Peusippus.
Spyridon of the Kiev Caves, the Prosphora Baker. Oct. 31, Sept. 22‒28.
Spyridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Trimythus. Dec. 12, Aug. 11.
Spyridon, Patriarch of Serbia. June 15, Aug. 30.
Stacey, Stacy, from Anastasia.
Stachys, Apostle, of the 70. Oct. 31, Jan. 4.
Stacteus of Tivoli, Martyr. July 18.
Stamatius of Spetsae, New Martyr. Feb. 3.
Stamatius of Volos, New Martyr. Aug. 16.
Stavropol, 11 New Martyrs of. Aug. 17.
Stephanas, Apostle. June 15.
Stephanie, Martyr. Nov. 11.
Stephen Brancovich, King of Serbia. Oct. 9.
Stephen Milutin, King of Serbia. Oct. 30.
Stephen Nemanja. See Symeon the Myrrh-streamer.
Stephen Stilianovich, Ruler of Serbia, Martyr. Oct. 4.
Stephen Urosh, King of Serbia, Martyr. Dec. 2.
Stephen Uroshitsa. See Uroshitsa.
Stephen of Antioch in Pisidia, Martyr. Nov. 22.
Stephen of Cappadocia, Archbishop of Surozh in the Crimea. Dec. 15.
Stephen of Chenolakkos Monastery, Founder. Jan. 14.
Stephen of Dechani in Serbia, Martyr. Nov. 11.
Stephen of Georgia, Righteous. May 7.
Stephen of Kazan, Martyr. Mar. 24.
Stephen of the Kiev Caves, Bishop of Vladimir in Volhynia. Apr. 27, May 25, Oct. 10.
Stephen of Komel, Righteous. June 12.
Stephen of Makhrishcha, Righteous. July 14.
Stephen of Persia, Martyr. May 11.
Stephen of Piperi in Serbia, Righteous. May 20.
Stephen of Placidiane. Jan. 11.
Stephen of Saint Sabbas Monastery, Bishop. Oct. 28.
Stephen of Saint Sabbas Monastery. July 13.
Stephen of Wallachia, Martyr. Aug. 16.
Stephen the Confessor, Abbot of Triglia. Mar. 26.
Stephen the Great, Prince of Moldavia. July 2.
Stephen the New, Righteous Martyr for the Holy Icons. Nov. 28.
Stephen the Newly Appeared, Righteous. Dec. 9.
Stephen the Wonderworker. Mar. 31.
Stephen, Archbishop of Constantinople. July 18.
Stephen, First Bishop and Enlightener of Perm. Apr. 26.
Stephen, First Crowned King of Serbia. Sept. 24.
Stephen, First Martyr and Archdeacon. Dec. 27, Aug. 2, Jan. 4, Sept. 15.
Stephen, Martyr for the Holy Icons. Nov. 28.
Stephen, Martyr (with Andrew et al.). Oct. 21.
Stephen, Martyr (with Barnabas et al.). Oct. 31.
Stephen, Martyr (with Meletius the Commander). May 24.
Stephen, Martyr (with Nicephorus). Feb. 8, Oct. 25.
Stephen, Patriarch of Constantinople. May 18.
Stephen, Pope of Rome, Martyr. Aug. 3.
Stephen, Prince of Serbia. July 19.
Stephen, Righteous (with Sergius). Aug. 12.
Stephen, Righteous. Feb. 27.
Stephen, Righteous. June 7.
Strategius, Martyr. Aug. 19.
Straton of Bithynia, Martyr. Sept. 13.
Straton of Nicomedia, Martyr. Aug. 17.
Stratonica, Martyr. Oct. 31.
Stratonicus of Ptolemaïs, Martyr. Mar. 4.
Stratonicus, Martyr (with Hermylus). Jan. 13.
Stratonicus, Martyr. Sept. 30.
Stylianus of Paphlagonia, Righteous. Nov. 26.
Styracius of Ostia, Martyr. Jan. 30.
Styracius, Martyr. Aug. 8.
Styrax of Sebastia, Martyr. Nov. 2.
Successus of Saragossa, Martyr. Apr. 16.
Suerilas, Martyr in the land of the Goths. Mar. 26.
Sukhi of Iberia, Martyr. Apr. 15.
Sulpicius, Bishop of Bourges. Jan. 17.
Sunniva of Norway, Virgin Martyr. July 8.
Susanna (Shushanik), Queen of Georgia, Martyr. Oct. 17, Aug. 28.
Susanna of Palestine, Deaconess, Righteous Martyr. Dec. 15.
Susanna of Persia, Martyr. May 11.
Susanna of Rome, Virgin Martyr. Aug. 11.
Susanna, Martyr (with Meletius the Commander). May 24.
Susanna, Martyr, Disciple of Saint Pancratius. June 7.
Susanna, Myrrh-bearer. Third Sunday of Pascha.
Susanna, New Righteous Martyr in Russia. Sunday Nearest Jan. 25.
Susanna, Righteous. Sunday Before Nativity.
Susanna, Virgin Martyr at Salerno. June 6.
Svir, 5 New Righteous Martyrs of. Apr. 24.
Swithin, Bishop of Winchester. July 2.
Sylvanus. See Silvan.
Sylvester of the Kiev Caves. Jan. 2, Sept. 22‒28.
Sylvester of Obnora, Righteous. Apr. 25.
Sylvester, Archbishop of Omsk, New Martyr. Jan. 2.
Sylvester, Martyr. Mar. 1.
Sylvester, Pope of Rome. Jan. 2.
Symeon Metaphrastes, Righteous. Nov. 9.
Symeon of Emesa, Fool for Christ’s sake. July 21.
Symeon of Garedja in Georgia, Abbot, Wonderworker. Sept. 4.
Symeon of Garedja in Georgia, Righteous Martyr. Aug. 12.
Symeon of the Kiev Caves, Bishop of Pereyaslavl. Aug. 28.
Symeon of Lesbos, the New Stylite. Feb. 1.
Symeon of the Peloponnesus, Righteous. Oct. 18.
Symeon of Persia, Martyr. May 16.
Symeon of Philotheou Monastery. Apr. 19.
Symeon of Trebizond, New Martyr. Aug. 14.
Symeon of Verkhoturye, Righteous. Dec. 18, Sept. 12.
Symeon of Volma, Righteous. July 12.
Symeon of the Wondrous Mountain, Righteous. May 24.
Symeon the Ancient, Righteous. Jan. 26.
Symeon the God-receiver. Feb. 3.
Symeon the Myrrh-streamer (Stephen Nemanja, Ruler of Serbia), Founder of Hilandar Monastery. Feb. 13.
Symeon the New Theologian. Mar. 12, Oct. 12.
Symeon the Patriarch. Sunday Before Nativity.
Symeon the Stylite, Righteous. Sept. 1.
Symeon the Translator. See Symeon Metaphrastes.
Symeon, Archbishop of Novgorod. Feb. 10, June 15.
Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica. Sept. 15.
Symeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, Kinsman of the Lord, Martyr. Apr. 27.
Symeon, Bishop of Persia, Martyr. Apr. 17.
Symeon, First Bishop of Tver. Feb. 3.
Symeon, Righteous. Apr. 4.
Symphorian of Autun, Martyr. Aug. 22.
Symphorian, one of the Four Crowned Martyrs. Nov. 8.
Symphorosa of Tivoli, Martyr. July 18.
Syncletike of Alexandria, Righteous. Jan. 5.
Synesius, Bishop of Carpasia in Cyprus. May 26.
Synetus of Rome, Martyr. Dec. 12.
Synetus, Martyr. Feb. 22.
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