Sabainus of Ostia, Martyr. Jan. 30.
Sabbas I, First Archbishop of Serbia, Founder of Hilandar Monastery. Jan. 14, Aug. 30.
Sabbas II, Archbishop of Serbia. Feb. 8, Aug. 30.
Sabbas III, Archbishop of Serbia. Aug. 30.
Sabbas of Damascus, Martyr. Nov. 1.
Sabbas of the Kiev Caves. Apr. 24, Sept. 22‒28.
Sabbas of Kryptsy, Righteous. Aug. 28.
Sabbas of Moscow, Righteous. June 13.
Sabbas of Nigdele, New Martyr in Constantinople. Nov. 12.
Sabbas of Persia, Martyr. Mar. 29.
Sabbas of Tver, Righteous. Mar. 2.
Sabbas of Vishera in Russia, Righteous. Oct. 1.
Sabbas of Zvenigorod, Righteous. Dec. 3, Jan. 19, Apr. 30.
Sabbas the Commander, the Goth, Martyr in Rome. Apr. 24.
Sabbas the Commander, the Goth, Martyr. Apr. 18.
Sabbas the Commander, Martyr. Oct. 29.
Sabbas the Sanctified, Righteous. Dec. 5.
Sabbas, Disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius. July 27.
Sabbas, Martyr (with Abdas). July 8.
Sabbas, Martyr (with Stephen, Barnabas, et al.). Oct. 31.
Sabbas, Martyr. May 1.
Sabbas, Metropolitan of Ardeal, Confessor. Apr. 24.
See also Eudocimus.
Sabbatius of Antioch, Martyr. Sept. 19.
Sabbatius of Solovki, Righteous. Sept. 27, Aug. 8.
Sabbatius of Tver, Righteous. Mar. 2.
Sabel of Persia, Martyr. June 17.
Sabigotho of Cordova, Martyr. July 27.
Sabina of Avila, Martyr. Oct. 27.
Sabina, Martyr in Italy. Aug. 29.
Sabine of Egypt, Martyr. Mar. 16.
Sabine, Bishop of Piacenza. Jan. 17.
Sabine, Bishop. Oct. 15.
Sabine, Martyr. Oct. 25.
Sabinian of Cordova, Righteous Martyr. June 7.
Sabinian of Damascus, Martyr (with Caesarius and Dasius). Nov. 1.
Sabinian of Damascus, Martyr (with Paul and Tatta). Sept. 25.
Sacerdon, one of the 40 Martyrs of Sebastia. Mar. 9.
Sadie, variant of Sarah.
Sadoc (or Sadoth), Bishop, and those with him in Persia, Martyrs. Feb. 20, Oct. 19.
Saint Anna’s Skete, All Righteous Fathers of. June 14.
Saint Sabbas Monastery, Martyrs of. Mar. 20, May 16.
Saint Simon the Zealot Monastery (New Athos) in Georgia, a Multitude of New Martyrs of. May 10.
Saïs, Martyr. Jan. 5.
Salah, Son of Cainan. Sunday Before Nativity.
Salamanes the Silent of Syria, Righteous. Jan. 23.
Sally, variant of Sarah.
Salome of Georgia, Martyr. July 20.
Salome, Myrrh-bearer. Aug. 3, Third Sunday of Pascha.
Salonas of Rome, Martyr. May 23.
Salutaris, Archdeacon of Carthage, Confessor. July 13.
Salvius, Bishop of Albi in France. Sept. 10.
Sameas (Shemaiah) the Elamite, Prophet. Jan. 8.
Samosata, 7 Martyrs of. Jan. 29.
Samothrace, 5 New Martyrs of. Apr. 6.
Samson of Wales, Bishop of Dol in Brittany. July 28.
Samson the Hospitable, Righteous. June 27, Oct. 17.
Samson, Judge of Israel. Sunday Between Dec. 11–18.
Samuel, Martyr in Caesarea of Palestine. Feb. 16.
Samuel, Prophet. Aug. 20, Sunday Before Nativity.
Sanctius (Sancho) of Albi, Martyr in Cordova. June 5.
Sanctus of Lyons, Deacon, Martyr. July 25.
Sandra, Sandy, Saundra, Sondra, variants of Alexandra.
Sapor of Persia, Martyr. Nov. 20.
Saragossa (Caesarea Augusta) in Spain:
Innumerable Martyrs of. Nov. 3.
18 Martyrs of. April 16.
Sarah of Egypt, Righteous. July 13.
Sarah, Wife of Abraham. Sunday Before Nativity.
Sarantes of Megara, Martyr. Aug. 16.
Sarapabon the Councillor, Martyr in Alexandria. Sept. 6.
Sarapinus. See Serapion.
Sarbelus (Sharbel [also called Thathuel]) of Edessa, Martyr. Jan. 29, Sept. 4.
Sarbelus, Martyr (with Terence and Neonilla). Oct. 28.
Sarbelus, Martyr. Sept. 4.
Sarephtha, Widow of, to whom Elias was sent. Sunday Before Nativity.
Sarmatas of Egypt, Righteous. Aug. 30.
Sarmean, Catholicos of Kartli in Georgia. Aug. 21.
Sarov, New Martyrs of. Nov. 6.
Saturian of Africa, Martyr. Oct. 16.
Saturnina of Abitene in Africa, Martyr. Feb. 11.
Saturninus (Sernin), First Bishop of Toulouse, Martyr. Nov. 29.
Saturninus of Carthage, Martyr. Feb. 1.
Saturninus of Corfu, Martyr. Apr. 29.
Saturninus of Crete, Martyr. Dec. 23.
Saturninus of Italy, Martyr. July 7.
Saturninus of Nicaea, Martyr. May 7.
Saturninus of Saragossa, Martyr. Apr. 16.
Saturninus, Martyr (with Juliana). June 22.
Saturninus, Martyr (with Plotinus). Feb. 12.
Saturninus, Priest, and Saturninus his son, of Abitene in Africa, Martyrs.
Feb. 11.
Saturus of Carthage, Martyr (with Perpetua and Felicity). Feb. 1.
Saturus, Martyr in North Africa (with Armogastes and Mascula). Mar. 29.
Scete, Ten Thousands of Righteous Martyrs of. July 10.
Schinon, Martyr. Dec. 23.
Scholastica, Righteous, Sister of Saint Benedict. Feb. 10.
Scillitan Martyrs. July 17.
A Multitude of Martyrs in. May 4.
70 Martyrs of. June 28.
Sebastia, 40 Martyrs of. Mar. 9, Aug. 28.
Sebastian of Poshekhonye, Righteous. Feb. 26, Dec. 18.
Sebastian of Rome, Martyr. Dec. 18.
Sebastian the Duke, Martyr. Feb. 26.
Sebastiana of Heraclea, Martyr. Oct. 24.
Sebastiana the Wonderworker. June 7.
Sebeëthes of Persia, Martyr. Mar. 29.
Secunda of Abitene in Africa, Martyr. Feb. 11.
Secunda of Rome, Virgin Martyr. July 10.
Secunda of Scillium, Martyr at Carthage. July 17.
Secunda of Tuburbo Lucernaria in Africa, Virgin Martyr. July 30.
Secundinus (Sechnall), Bishop of Dunshaughlin. Nov. 27.
Secundinus, Bishop, Martyr at Cirta in Numidia. Apr. 29.
Secundulus of Carthage, Martyr. Feb. 1.
Secundus of Nicomedia, Martyr. Dec. 28.
Seimblas, Martyr in the land of the Goths. Mar. 26.
Selenias of Egypt, Martyr. June 5.
Seleucus of Cappadocia, Martyr. Sept. 13.
Seleucus, Martyr in Caesarea of Palestine. Feb. 16.
Seleucus, Martyr (with Agapius and Mamas). Dec. 3.
Seleucus, Martyr (with Stratonica). Oct. 31.
Seleucus, Martyr. May 23.
Senan, Abbot and Bishop of Scattery Island. Mar. 8.
Sennen of Persia, Martyr. Oct. 7.
Sennuphius the Worker of Signs. Mar. 25.
Septiminus of Thibiuca in Africa, Martyr. Apr. 16, Aug. 30.
Septimus, Righteous Martyr at Carthage. Aug. 17.
Seraphim of Kharkov, Hieromonk, New Confessor. Sept. 30.
Seraphim of Megara, Martyr. Aug. 16.
Seraphim of Mount Domvu, Righteous. May 6.
Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker. Jan. 2, July 19.
Seraphim, Archbishop of Uglich, New Martyr. Oct. 22.
Seraphim, Bishop of Elutorov, New Martyr. Jan. 2.
Seraphim, Bishop of Phanarion, New Martyr. Dec. 4.
Seraphim, Hieromonk of Moscow, New Martyr. Nov. 23.
Seraphim, Hieromonk, New Martyr in Russia. May 31.
Seraphim, Hieromonk, New Martyr in Russia. June 17.
Seraphim, Priest of Gondatievka, New Martyr. Apr. 18.
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